
Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Just for fun!

February 3, 2010 1 comment

My sister Lesly and I decided to take some pictures for fun. It ended up just using a plain black sheet as my backdrop. This was alot of fun. It’s so hard to get her to pose without laughing! So imagine how long it took us to take these! But they came out great! We have another session planned! Stay tuned..

First Post- Lindsay DeGuzman – Who is she?

January 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Hello Everyone. Thanks for visitng my site. I wanted to take this opportunity let you all know a little about me. 🙂 I am from Tarlac and Angeles City, Philippines. I moved here in Chicago when I was 7. Lived here ever since. I love Chicago!! 

I’ve always loved taking pictures!!  Capturing that “moment” was always my intention.   I got my first point and shoot from my husband Cid.  My camera was always in my purse. Whether I’m just going to the mall, grocery shopping or just hanging with friends, I had it with me. I know.. what a weirdo. lol.. But you never know! It was the Sony T5.  I felt so cool!   I loved how it was thin and compact that I can definitely take with me anywhere! Then a couple of years went by and I had a baby girl names Natalee Ann. She is our pride and joy! You know what that means! Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! As months went by we decided to take some professional pictures at a studio.  I was thinking, these pictures have to be perfect!! As I was there, I started to realize how much I am falling more and more in love with photography! I thought, I can do this.  So they took and bunch of pictures and to no surprise…
Natalee looked so adorable, I had to get ALL of the pictures!. They totally got me.  Even the sales associate said I was going to have a hard time deciding which pictures I wanted.. and she was right! Ever since that day, I could not stop talking about the camera the photographer was using! It was awesome…. So for my birthday, my wonderful husband, Cid got me my first DSLR! A Nikon D90. I had no idea what I was doing! But it was the best present ever.
Since then, I have been on the internet, reading forums, studying everything about the digital photography world. I got a few more acessories and started to shoot! Each day that passes, I learn more and more, it’s just not the camera, but it’s how you “freeze frame” that moment.   I love recording these moments — happy.. sad.. funny moments.. you can never take back, but will always remember.